And I realized this process of interaction with the AC organization is to replace the "automaton" mind of modern humans with the Anti-Christ Consciousness. That may be my finishing task.

How does this correlate with supporting Russia against the EU? It's simple. The EU is exactly this kind of Christ Consciousness manifested. It demands altruism institutionalized, to get your money for nothing and to give it to criminals. That you should join their armies, not for your own good, but for some idea of free trade, some idea of "the liberal world order".

Russia is called evil for not applying this pathological altruism. They do not attempt to spread these vague ideas of general freedom, somehow created by giving your hard earned money away to politicians who hate you and look down on you.

Russia is closer to the Anti-Christ, simply because it is a nation owned by persons, oligarchs who are individuals, not abstract "values" that demand self-sacrifice to protect evil. Look at what methods are applied and it's pretty simple: the Russian army recruits soldiers by offering salaries way above regular salaries, and this works. If you join for money, you do not join to die, but to live.

Meanwhile, the EU-funded army of Ukraine kidnaps young men and family fathers off the streets to send them to their death with no training or equipment. This is Christ Consciousness, they demand your sacrifice for nothing but meaningless ideas.