The old Earth history ended, the new Earth is a different plane/dimension so one needs to literally "become flesh" in that plane to be part of it. This is to be done through reincarnation via one of the 4 new Earth mothers/queens, or a person who was already incarnated via them. It can be done either by astral rebirth which grants this new DNA to your manifestation, and you keep looking the same, or a completely new incarnation with memories erased.

Some were also secondary souls of people who didn't have a near-death experience yet, so they would have been removed to the astral plane at one point anyway.

The less known version is to send a soul fragment of yourself to be incarnated without your main awareness being present, like a tulpa which appears separate but is part of you. At a later time, if one so needs or wants, it's possible to move the awareness fully to that form, as one would switch place with a tulpa for practice (this is mentioned in the manual at tulpa.info).