Further revelations
One reason the timeline is still locked in the past for us here now, not manifesting greater changes was:
There was yet another Queen in Africa.
After clearing out the white toxic fungus egregore of Reddit, I uncovered what looked like "black mold" below it. Same kind of fungus form, but black energy and different in nature, it permeated society like the sewer systems are present in all cities, you won't normally notice them, but if they stop functioning or cause trouble, you'll be flooded with shit.
Tracing it lead to a large interdimensional or other-physical temple structure under ground in central Africa. Lots of cultists living in tunnels and underground halls.
At the very center on a platform was a small female, nude with just a hairband in different colours. She was sitting in trance and didn't move. She was dark brown in skin colour, and her hair was braided into huge dreadlocks.
The black fungus structure all over the world originated with her, a kind of predatorial life form which eats society up from below. Her offspring look similar to the "space Africans" or offspring of the evolved orc Queens, but they are a completely different race. They aren't orcs, they are "black mold".
This is the reason for the wars in Africa; they are two completely different species, and the white fungus also don't get along with them.