I wonder if this is related to the timeline mess going on.

Connecting the past into the future as much as possible requires a lot of messing around with it so that all parts can be used to the max and not discarded (or used by evil beings to create some "shadow Earth" and cause more trouble later).

I just used a variety of servitors and parallel incarnations to send a bunch of evil beings who were still in some tunnel system dimensions, back in time so that they get exposed to their own constructs. It seems they created the persecution of "infidels" etc in history and made it so severe that no one wanted to incarnate there, so the timelines were just NPCs still and not even connected to the Earth history. Now the only real solution here was to sent them back so they had to live on the receiving end of what they had already created. NWO scum abusing slaves, now having to finish the run off by being the slaves instead.

Just before I had an idea: I started rewatching the Angel tv-series to get some English language input (I do this at intervals to practice my hearing and understanding of speech) but I had to skip a bunch of eps because I still remember them in detail. Which made me think about how they ended it: it doesn't have a proper ending. Rather they just storm the NWO HQ and kill them, which triggers response from the demon army now invading Earth.


These leaders should still be there, because in the media they are using the "Russia could nuke us" reason for not going all in. But nukes aren't real, those are an RP with set rules for both sides, so that means at some high level, there's an agreement to still pretend that nukes exist. 

If they were to ignore these "rules" they would be able to just attack Russia freely, but that means giving up the scare factor of pretending USA has nukes also.

So maybe the way to do this is to do what they do in Angel: breaking the rules as a rebel group who doesn't need to follow them. Kill the real leaders and if the troll army invades, just kill them too.