It really can't be overstated how important this school of magic world is in terms of its influence on the Earth and what things can be learned by studying there.
If anyone was hesitating to go there, take the chance!
Their way of measuring magic potential and skill, as well as their way of organizing it into paths, is very intuitive to anyone who've played MMOs or the classic JRPGs like Final Fantasy, or watched any of the isekai:s following Sword Art Online.
Some basics of the structure:
To count as "initiate" one needs to be graded as level 1 within a path. Only then is access granted to the main practice hall, where free materials are provided. Because initiation to any level poses a risk of death upon failure of the test, there are a number of 0.5 level initiations. This is a theoretical lower level where the Sages holding the test will make sure you pass, but then it's up to you do actually earn the real initiation level through study.
Herbal magic level 0.5 is the overall recommendation for anyone newly registered at the academy. Herbal magic has no real upper limit, despite the entry being a guaranteed success.
There are other more narrow paths which also initiate at 0.5 , like "command magic" which is normally used for dog training or controlling any tamed beasts. Interestingly enough, command magic also seems to have no real upper limit.
There is a theoretical "master level" at 80, which means "the ability to create new magic in a new field". Prior to that is level 49, "the ability to create new magic in a known field". The most difficult initiation is directly at level 48.
These are ancient types which do not have a common translation. There is a catalog of paths at the reception counter, just ask for it. For example there is Bak'Dor which translates roughly to "puppet master", the ability to control nations from the shadows. Ti'ir, "the ability to control nations and empires through the concealed use of elemental magic" at level 36. These are master level magic types not to be attempted by regular people.
Anything above level 2 is considered "high level initiation".