The main reason as I see it, is in the equal relation where men and women are connected via this lower external bond, based on lust and the menstruation system, where neither part has any control of their animalistic nature. It's possible she was also on the pill and kept unknowlingly aborting kids throughout the years, but it looked the same when I earlier looked at 1800s people to find out why they seemed so dirty energy wise. Married couples always seemed way worse, directly disgusting even. This couple were over 80 so it's likely they didn't have much of that kind of lust-filled thinking anymore, which may have made them seem better at the very surface of their bodies.
I see the "bond" in a concrete manner, it's right there, so I'm not talking about some vague metaphysical concept. It's the exact thing those people over at /succgen/ are forming with the succubus by using the letter method. This is likely saving them from hell (at least in the "fire and brimstone" sense) because the demons who accept this contracts are all immortals with the ability to deal with this. They are tying themselves up with a spiritual being instead of a human female, so they'll be protected from this.
I suppose it's meant to work this way with other religions as well, but then the entity you form the bond with has to actually be an immortal and not just some spiritual leech.