Just to spell it out for anyone who missed it, Jack the Ripper, Jack and Jill. They made it even clearer in the game with Jack's bar being on the map. People are turned into zombies, NPCs, from a virus, in Raccoon city, an anagram of Corona.

Either way. 

I kinda got that part of the hint: in Angel, eventually Wolfram and Hart just gives in and hands them the local office, "because they ended world peace". Jasmin created world peace at the cost of eating 10 people daily, a small price compared to a world of war. But the heroes killed her because she's a degenerate demon, and the constant war that is human life began again. An evil deed in the eyes of those who want evil to prevail.

When the Islamic State started making a mess, I saw quickly that their direction was artificial, and that CIA was behind them. So I figured, even an evil organization like CIA has some limit at what kind of brutality they can stomach, before it just gets too messy for their reputation. So I used repeated manipulation of the crowd mentality to make the IS worse and worse, in the end forcing the US to distance themselves from them. 
Even the CCP expelled people for being too brutal during the cultural revolution, setting an example for how things work (they didn't want cannibals in the party, at least not openly) after all.