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So obviously, or at least... that's how I concluded it; the way to deal with this evil is by massive brutality. They will react in one out of two ways:
> distance themselves because they fear association
> respect, because they are monsters

I started seeing liberal western media actually showing respect for the Islamic State, someone in the (Jewish editor, btw) paper I was reading even reviewed their "music", the nasheeds appearing on youtube. So the IS actually managed to reach the brutality level of the west, at least for a while. That's the way to go then.

CIA are weaklings compared, as it was also revealed. They couldn't stand the association of having funded the IS execution gore vids.

This is what I deep down "knew" all along, that to get these evil organizations to start showing proper respect, it's simply necessary to "kill millions" like that El Paso meme shooter is quoted to have said.

Using the doctrine of "it's enough to just pose because spiritual entities only see posing from everyone", I set out to become as toxic as possible. Memetically and in spellworkings.

Like it's sometimes said
> Hitler didn't lose because he killed Jews, he lost because he wasn't brutal enough
He shouldn't have gone for democratic elections, he should have won by a coup, then hunted down and killed all nobility. Then he would have gained the full support of the Illuminati. Half-assing it won't get you any respect.

Well it worked. Devising plans of a diabolic level only matched by Satan himself, finally paid off. 

The Queen said earlier that Wolfram and Hart in Angel is known as the Order of Nine Angles to us. But less known is that they are the same as the Illuminati, and freemasonry. They're just not linked in a way that can be seen on the Earth 3D plane, but at a higher place.