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The Voodooist nearest me said it's "the hate core". I tried extracting the energy by firing ship guns at it, to little effect. Then I had Astra bring up all existing sun transformation discs to run them all at once, to use the energy of this device for a sun transformation. The voodoo cultist said "don't [attempt to] destroy it, don't transform it like that (into a regular sun object)", I tuned it differently and they agreed to do that, instead producing "hate suns" for everyone.

After this, a more fanatical and toxic layer of the cult appeared in a new tunnel facility on the left. Those now on my side gave me a small device which looked like a paper cutter used to open boxes. Quite literally pic related, but it had a round button.
Using this device, it is possible to shoot out a burning fire blade which can behead someone instantly. They said to use it on the cultists and clear the temple.

After this, they whispered that the "death god" or "hate god" would appear because killing all those cultists in the temple would be treated as a sacrifice.

They god materialised from above, floating slowly down, and it appeared to be a black female wearing voodo outfit. To note here that the cultists didn't even look human, so their race couldn't be determined.

In the process, the "hate core" was dissolved, and a new one was created. I was explained to me that this is a "dead man's switch" which will destroy anyone attempting to perform a ruler shift on the Earth, even if the shift is accepted by the Illuminati from above. Because that's how these things work. The device itself is made to absorb any hate aimed at the Illuminati rule. This is then used to defend them. Any human cursing actively the leadership of their nation, it being part of the system, or business leaders, other leader figures or authority, it would contain emotions, some bit of hate, because humans cannot oppose without hate. This would only serve the strengthen the defenses of the rulers.

The only way to bypass it, is by being emotionless, or doing it out of love. They actually actively cause hate against themselves as a means to protection.

The "dead man's switch" is not just the device, but the cultists who channel it. They are training constantly to be in a state of hivemind-channelling of all the world's hate. If someone was to try and change the direction of this hate, they instantly perform psychic attacks against that person without thinking. The dead man's switch is an organization.

The only way to change the direction of the world's development, is to erase the hate core and the operative layer of the cult completely, and this can only be done by overcoming hate.