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Using the limestone slime device to solidify the relevant soul elements of myself, I've made use of the remaining karmic timelines to fill in things I hadn't learned or solved, by sending them backwards in time into parallel secondary incarnations. I see now why I wasn't able to do this before: the part sent into a timeline must be synced perfectly, and most of the past is very brutal. 

These Tarzan comics I read when little all had an endless stream of "forgotten tribes" in some deep jungles that all practiced a combination of Aztec and ancient Egyptian culture. Always the same human sacrifices, god worship and hints of aliens origins. I believe these comics were either channeled from history or some kind of disclosure in plain view. When I look into the past, it's all like this.

It seems, to make most out of it for me, the best starting point was the destruction period between Babylon and Atlantis, to get in right at the beginning when Atlantis is being built. There are such timelines where one can become immortal and just keep going all the way from there to present days, or ascend somewhere in late Atlantis days, meaning a lifetime in the range of 26 000 - 52 000 years, and it's not questioned by anyone. Doing this in first person view is probably only something done by very special people, most of it ends up being a very ethereal mindset where days, weeks, years and centuries just flow past on auto until there is almost nothing to take control over once on the path, and that is why it's really not possible to do it that way anymore. It's like being in trance.

And the culture there is all about human sacrifice, humans breed like flies and are killed like flies. From the start of Atlantis to building up a functional temple structure with a cult took in the range of 2000 years. Expanding to influence more of the world and fulfilling the goal of fixing the genetics of the worst human hives of the time took 17 000 years, leaving another 9000 years before the fall of Atlantis when things actually worked as intended. During this period, there was no race-mixing, this only started taking place in our time, after Atlantis fell and the world cracked. This cracking of the world also ended the dominating gay culture of Atlantis. Yes, humans of this period were gay by default, they had no interest in women at all, aside from for breeding with, to produce more boys to rape. This is what took 17 000 years to fix, and it was still so deeply rooted in culture that the continents themselves had to be reformed to change the world egregore into a state where heterosexuality could be made into the default setting in the very last period of man, our period.

From this stems the bible statement "if a man lies with a man as a man lies with a woman, he must be put to death". This is how it was done for all of the past history, whenever religion was applied. Just endless slaughter day after day because everyone kept being gay and weren't deterred by the death penalty for millennia. But it was still used, because it was the only way to eventually create a functional and somewhat sustainable world.

Iran and some other places of the world has this ancient remains of temples with huge pits, some as much as 70 to 100 meters deep, build into the ground. These are remains from Atlantis, and that's where the sacrificed humans were thrown down to ferment at the bottom. Occasionally burning oil was thrown down to set them on fire to further destroy them.

These timelines that stretch all the way into modern days, come out at those places.