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On the Aztec situation or whatever:
It seems if some karma can't be solved within an incarnation, by the active attitude or behaviour of the person, or by a simple inability to, created by a combination of innate nature and situation, that it has to be pushed ahead into a new incarnation. Always avoiding or delaying the karma solution, will make that future incarnation more troublesome. Once it's too heavy, and it can only be solved there, not here, the person's main awareness moves to that other incarnation to do it there. This seems to be the logic.
Finding one of those very long timelines still out there in the small messy structure still hidden inside or entangled in, canvas fragments upheld by evil beings, it seems this is bordering on that situation. The parallel incarnation I sent there, it very strong, so much that visuals appear to me although I'm still here in my "main". Visuals and scenes so strong that for a split second they overtake my awareness, and the background awareness of where I presently am located, is effected to feeling that I am really over there, but projecting here.
One thing I can say though, my perception of those white stone structures was correct. Everything is built from (maintenance free) white stone blocks where green moss grows in the cracks, and the jungle is just outside with tree branches and leaves creating a screen just outside the raised paths which make up the temple infrastructure. It may be different ''down there", but it appears I am never at ground level, and I don't interact with anyone at ground level.
Whenever I can't seem to solve something here, in the present, time slows down over there, as if to say fix that mess or you will have to move completely over here to solve it in the ancient past instead.
This give in interesting perspective on the functioning of karma and time.