I still have a parallel over there now, time moving slowly but not at catastrophic level slow right now. I belong to the priest class which developed from the ruins of Babylon, after "social justice" wrecked the former ruling structure. We lived in the (paved) remains of huge city centers while the jungle year by year took over and returned it to complete wilderness. From there grew plans to recreate a hierarchy and to physically separate the ruling class from the slaves below. This was done after around 2000 years, with what I described in the post above: the religious leaders stay at tree top level at all times, this is how high all building structures are. They stretch out with literal highways across the landscape, all built in the same white stone. All travel is on foot, no animals are used for carrying anything. It's not needed to train animals, slaves carry stuff and do all the work.

Everything moves very slowly, construction of new buildings take 100s of years, 10 000s of slaves die in the process. This doesn't make anyone bat an eye, slaves are not even "assets"; they are just a hive of things that can either be controlled to create something, or they will turn savage and kill each other and everything around them. It's like trying to tame the seas. You won't think about if the sea has feelings or if you should "use it" or not, you just try to live with it and benefit from it. Whether some certain technology exists or not, isn't something you'd pay attention to. Keep in mind whatever is used is just technology. If you were to ask someone today to explain welding or how to cut down trees, most people wouldn't be able to, even if they have an idea of it existing as a method. I don't thinks melting stone was done anywhere I was present however, it's just regular masonry and mining from the looks of it. There is some social structure where more skilled craftsmen are allowed to build a hierarchy of their own, and those with highest skill gain some level of protection from the priest class. Laws aren't applied like today, it's only based on someone's usefulness to the rulers. The mass slaughter of gays is because they are useless perverts, the actual religious motivations are very weak for most practitioners. Only the esoteric immortals know why these things are done, but they aren't able to explain it to anyone below them. It's also not their intent to educate anyone, the idea of knowledge existing outside of the genetics of certain tribes, isn't present. Rather it's viewed from the perspective of maintaining useful tribes at a more influential position so they breed more, while the useless or harmful tribes are slaughtered. There is no understanding that the tribes have any individual consciousnesses, they are seen only as tribes, a mass of beings, a hive. Purging entire tribes is the normal way of dealing with trouble, only rarely is there any individual punishments against individuals of a tribe who misbehaved. If they are useless, they are useless as a tribe. Individuals die so it's not really important who someone is. The life expectancy maxes at 30 -40 at most, but it's more likely they're dead at 25. Women are only expected to give birth a few times starting in their teens, after which they are used up and die. Outside of the priest class, women have no value aside for child rearing.

The signs of high technology left for the future are some needle tips appearing in the jungle, it doesn't mean anything. If someone has so called supernormal abilities, it also doesn't change anything. It doesn't make them into members of the immortal class so they soon disappear again. The priest class are all psychics to some degree, overseeing the functioning of the entire social egregore by reading its energy streams. This is how they discover if a tribe is going bad, and order for it to be purged. The communications networks however are surprisingly efficient, because of the sheer mass of people everywhere and the number who can be used to transfer messages or carry out orders.