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thumbnail of sinkholes.png
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I wasn't able to understand from any conventional view how this sinking of Europe would happen, even if I saw it in the future timeline.

The answer came to me just now: 
Massive rains are now flooding Europe, the water rose to 4 meter above normal level and already destroyed a number of cities. It's expected to get worse after the coming rain the next few days. They're saying the ground is saturated already and the water has nowhere to escape.

I saw this news a few days ago. In Turkey they have a lot of problem with sinkholes, so much that farmers are afraid to go out on the fields.

Below Europe are a massive multi-layered system of DUMBs, (deep underground military base) also called "NWO tunnels" here. These have been mostly abandoned following the purges in the past year. That means they have been burned out and whatever was in them destroyed.

If they had systems for ventilation or drainage, those aren't functional anymore.

Add one plus one and Europe is literally undermined by tunnels, that's where the water will go, the rest is what we will see happen.