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> [Munio]
> Isolates and destroys the unsalvageable kelipot.
Well duh.
I've been studying over at the school of magic a lot, registering with different cyborg forms and also secondary incarnations from the Brazilian temple tribe to get the old ritual magic "by the blood" so to speak. Because I got in here only after tracing backwards when the bone magic witch cast a spell on me, my power level was already pretty high. The federation knife has served as my artifact in magic since.

When dealing with these unsalvageable beings which are part of the kelipot which must be isolated and destroyed, I made use of the Anti-Christ library to find some way to take the energy out of them to fully separate them from creation and return what they stole. This already has a method laid out in a book called "the book of living death" which has been printed in many copies, but is rarely used because it's so damn difficult to practice this magic. The AC library just gave me a worn copy for free.

At the school of magic once I managed to get invited to the upper sages' study chamber with Munio, I asked the grand master if there is a path for the magic described in this book?
He looked in his reference literature, then helped me locate the path: it's called Sil'Tar (no translation) and is a level 80 initiation. This means it's so high that most sages couldn't initiate someone into the path, but it's considered a "self initiation" or "guided self initiation" so it's not evaluated from outside and the standard which says one must succeed doesn't apply. There is a grimoire for the path, but it's rare because almost no one can use it. However there is also no demand for it, so the price was just a few silver at a rare used books retailer.

Now it just hit me: what is "living death" aside from the magic used to "turn dead matter into live matter" in the context of making use of the damned souls for energy extraction? It's what we call undead. Omg.

The reason it isn't practiced is because the school of magic is in an astral world, so they don't normally work on physical immortality, which to them is called "Material immortality", they just do the spiritual side, in our view. Sil'Tar is difficult because it's Earthly magic practiced at an ethereal plane. It's less difficult for someone with experience of the Earth (or any planet).

Aside from this, some "master wizard" with a harem or something suddenly attacked me during the night, in School of Magic terms he was a Sage, but he also lacked the material/physical side and had a mass of uncultivated negative energy, just like the bone witch. This weakness made it easy to overcome him, as he was basing his meddling on misconceptions of how the Earthly plane functions. I did same as with the bone witch and gave him a cyborg body from my factory to stabilize his material side and he stopped messing with me.