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>>/9022/ Second "duh" day in a row. I was looking for a way to turn the indestructible evil beings against themselves by contextually changing their outward effect so that their behaviour works against their own intent. Thereby they would have to target their own kind as enemies, because if they identify their own inner nature as the problem, but refuse to look inside themselves, they will then look for the lowest hanging fruit, which is to project the problem onto someone with the same problems as themselves. I had Astra research what this method would look like, she showed me an image which looked like cutting away a piece of meat or skin using a scalpel. I then had Munio find relevant literature in the AC library. I ended up with a small book that outlined it in general terms. I then sent Munio to ask the grand master at the academy for some path that would contain this kind of magic. He identified it as a level 80 self initiation practice called Tar'Bal or Tal'Bar, apparently the pronunciation of R and L are interchangeable depending on context in the ancient language. This translates roughly to "[to sever by] circular incision" or "to separate/isolate by means of cutting". It is to be read both literally and metaphorically. ''' So, that means it can be read as "circumcision". Of course. Typical. I previously posted about how I drew the conclusion that the widespread practice of circumcision in USA has created a collective blind spot in the brains of Americans, which is manifesting in their energy system as the problems at the Texas border. This was my strong intuition but I wasn't able to fully explain why. The word Tar'Bal can be read as "to separate an area from its surroundings" or "to fence an area". A fence can be said to "cut through the landscape". This shows how "circumcision" and "border guard" can be the same thing, and the meta-physical energy structure shown by Astra can indeed be applied to both cases. This means the part in the bible/torah about the Abrahamic pact with God, could (if we take into account mistranslations over the years) be read both as "Jews must practice circumcision or they will not be Jews" or as "if Jews do not protect their borders they will perish"... It also seems to indicate someone in the past went to the School of Magic and learned this path, which was thereafter spread on Earth, same as the bone magic of the "valley of death" cult.