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Yuushibu OP - [Full] mp4
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I guess I'll do a short revisit to this event.

This anime was produced by "the murder nymphs in the park." This was back at the early covid lockdown days, I went into the nearest city on an errand and was walking through the central park there. I then became aware of a "presence" in the bushes next to the trail I was walking on, there was even rustling making the leaves move. I then had sudden strong flashes of violent scenes, blood on the grass, bodies cut, a strong feeling of "the satisfaction of murder" which I could relate to and recognize because of my previous lives. It's a feeling of "black hate" mixed with a warm feeling in the chest, a concentrated "evil" with a kind of mystery to it, but also some kind of extreme sadism which imposes itself on the person being fixated on, which creates this strange mix of comfort and satisfaction.

I kept feeling something was there, and I've never had this kind of experience before, so this peaked my interest. Later on I sat down to drink tea on a bench and they approached me, yelling directly into may head with angry shrieking voices, asking me a lot of questions in a very aggressive and hostile tone of voice. I realized it's the same two spirits I've heard of before. There's been neurotic people involved in some brutal murders around this city. One of them talked in detail about the two voices who told him to do it. He had names for them and described how they sounded. It matched.

To skip ahead, I learned they are actually followers of Loki, and they are two ancient priestesses of the Egyptian religion. On their plane, there is a highway directly to Egypt, but they can only move there, or to other ritual sites, not outside of this infrastructure. This matches what I recently learned of the functioning of Atlantis, meaning they are possibly very old, since Atlantis ended 26 000 years ago. It also explains why they create those murders all the time, they are upholding the old religion, which isn't norse religion, it's the Atlantean practice.

Anyway, some time after this, I found this anime, and it's about their city. They Mandela'd it in to exist before we met. The two girls here including their voices are perfect representations of them in anime style. There is also a well known mall in the city which I relate to the place, so they placed the story in that setting. I wasn't at the time aware that Lawson is an actual store in Japan, so this anime is an advanced form of Ad.

They also lead me to a webm that explained all the important points about 9-11, in a format I could grasp. This was where I started looking more into this and what motivations were behind it.