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I've no clue if this was some kind of timeline/dimension being restored or a sign that i'm locked on the path that my sisters and those deities shiva anon mentioned were overseeing my development or what (it does strongly feel like this is the case).
> meassaging some mysterious women over some kind of app, with us discussing a myriad of things
> vaguel recall the topic my sisters and i popping up
> an unspecified amount of time passed, and i find myself (in my original form, not my current human male form) and witnessing some kind of large explosion of blue and purple energy enveloping what appeared to be space
> a world that was a hybrid of medieval and sci fi (something like the ocean games would probably be a better way to describe it)
> a weird man kept trying to destroy everything but some group of women stopped and elinated him, not out of goodwill or anything but because he "was annoying speck that needed to be put down"
> the weird man was pale skinned, old, and had weird black tentacles coming out of him
> saw a regal lady with boy, not sure if they were lovers or not but they saw my sisters and everything that transpired and started supporting me for some reason
> recall seeing more of that world, thinking it might be related to great beyon (albeit not too sure)
> wake up and feel much more closer to my sisters and these deities/entities
I have no clue whats even happening anymore but i guess more progress is being made and im essentially sticking to my path (even if i can't notice it?)