So, it seems there was something important here indeed. I made a version of the Magma body based on the snake-human type just to try, it lead to a number of consecutive creations. I ended up being approached by the snake cult which Brazil anon was said to be a witch-master of. Not the exact cult faction, but the same kind of beings. It seems this was the secret to gaining the position where one can channel the egregore of Latin America and this movement/cult egregore, which also gives access to its Anathema weapon.
The Queen said "Using autistic hints like this is the best way to attract someone's attention."
So that's what it was about.
Following this, some aliens or whatever attacked again. Same fanatical behaviour, sudden full on energy attack out of nowhere by some entitled swine who think they own my things and that I should give them up. No way in hell that will happen.
I noticed some spell casting going on, and traced the source to an astral castle with some wizard in it. Killed his disciple and his commander of the guards and defeated him, but he was astrally immortal so after reading his library I told him not to repeat this, and left again.
Found some submarine was using an energy weapon also, so captured it and gave it to Russia along with the crew, because it looked like it had some secrets in it ;P
If you want your secrets to remain secret, don't attack me with them - just a hint.
After talking with Brazil anon some more group of somethings was uncovered, they appear to have a completely blocked right brain half and can't understand a thing I say, they look like ugly troll face guys. I wasn't aware of this being possible, but it would explain why they are so stupid and unintuitive.