thumbnail of Soliloquies_OE_-_Anathema_British_Library_Cotton_MS_Vitellius_A_XV_folio_5r (1).jpg
thumbnail of Soliloquies_OE_-_Anathema_British_Library_Cotton_MS_Vitellius_A_XV_folio_5r (1).jpg
Soliloquies_OE_-_Anat... jpg
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I was going to the 2nd floor of the house when I noticed something on the floor by the end of the handrail. At first I thought it was some leaves of a potted plant that somehow fell down there, but when I looked closer it turned out being four cucumber slices, placed forming a square.

There is no one here who would have done this, and the slices were only half-dried like they had been placed there 1-2 days ago.

Then I realized this is the location from the dream I had 20 years ago, which showed some important events. In it, I was by that staircase inside the door, and the door was locked. A small girl in a red dress appeared, and said to me: "Do as when you were little!" There was an implication behind her words about something secret and mysterious that I should know about. I then jumped through the keyhole and ended up in Hell which was on the other side of the door. (This matches a dream my cousin once told of, where the top floor of the house was heaven and the bottom floor was hell, btw. He burned himself on the stove in the kitchen and flew up to heaven.) In hell I saw beasts and a large key. I picked up the key and was about to jump back through the keyhole, when boy suddenly came in after me. He was instantly caught by the beasts and was stuck in their jaws. I tried pulling him loose, but was unable to. I then tried jumping back through the keyhole, but was only successful on the 3rd attempt. After rejoining with the small girl in the red dress, we walked a bit away from the door, we were now on a meadow by a castle ruin, and the door was part of the ruins. The boy then suddenly came out again and just ran past us and was gone.

This dream later played out in multiple ways, where it seemed my main soul got "stuck in hell" and he was keeping me down. The three attempts of jumping out of hell manifested as me trying to leave a city for 3 years, but was only able to solve the circumstance on the 3rd year. After this I was also able to get rid of the main soul who ended up in an action figure I found on the road sometime later.

However, as we know now on this board, or some do. "The boy" is also a voice that was pestering Brazil anon, which appears to be the "voice of the egregore of Latin America". The continent may also have been stuck in the mouth of the beast until the abortion-witches in Argentina (those tiktok witches who cursed the moon, and also ran the largest wicca server on discord were they placed green energy stealing crystals on everyone, "old" 2018 drama) were taken out (after this Argentina started developing politically, this is public news now).

So the placement of the four cucumber slices matches the location after beating "hell", in this case also the situation in Latin America, where the snake cult is based. So it was probably a protective spellform from them, indicating the 4 corners of an Aztec pyramid.

After all this, I was indeed able to more strongly activate the Anathema using the previously devised methods. Rather than a small dagger, my Anathema is now a shortsword with yellow snake-scale hilt. A lot better than before even if it doesn't match the "huge dick" sword of the original witch-master.