thumbnail of fried zucchini.webp
thumbnail of fried zucchini.webp
fried zucchini webp
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thumbnail of raw zucchini.jfif
thumbnail of raw zucchini.jfif
raw zucchini jfif
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thumbnail of bayonet.jfif
thumbnail of bayonet.jfif
bayonet jfif
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... and another attack.

This time it was some Illuminatis who didn't get the memo on us taking over the Earth. They used the same "corkscrew" energy attack as I've seen before. This is very commonly used against people when they aren't contributing to the NWO-Illuminati system by working or by - for example - having a world bank if it's a nation.

Difference this time is that I instantly recognized it (I haven't seen this in use since like 2012), this is the attack the witch of the yellow library used. It was projected from the fingernails of the right hand of the attacker, but while the witch projected straight white spikes, these were corkscrew shaped.

I started analysing the attack while moderately blocking with shields, then went to the yellow library to find out what kind of magic was used. I compared it to the school of magic as well.

It turns out what they use is what is called "Bayonet" in the school of magic. This refers not only to a dagger added to a gun, but is defined as "enhancement of projectile weapon without modifying the projectile or launcher". It normally means using wind, fire or lightning element to enhance the effect of cannons or guns. If used at short range with the gun as a club, enhanced with lightning, this is called "bayonet" also.

If it's an actual bayonet in our view, this is a complex combination of the magic paths of:
Self defense -> artillery specialization -> bayonet
Mining and metalworks (level 3)
Fire element
Wind element

This is too troublesome for most, so it isn't used much, there are much easier ways to get better effects if going only for direct use.

In the yellow library, they make a different categorization between "bayonet" and "artifact-based bayonet". Because this library is astral only, "artifact" refers to a concept or construct, they do not see the difference between materialism and spiritual matters other than as them being different doctrines. So what the witch uses, is Artifact-based bayonet, immaterial. It appears as if wearing protractible metal fake nails on each fingertip.

When she used this to attack people in dimensions below, the Illuminati became a target. Because the Illuminati has lots of resources, they reverse-engineered the attack and started using it on Earth. They do not have access to the yellow library and they were not able to oppose the witch. 

Addding to this I found earlier that eating a slice of raw zucchini will instantly mitigate the effect of similar energy spike attacks. It passes in a while, but eating just one more slice will bring the protection back. This may be why
> when I looked closer it turned out being four cucumber slices, placed forming a square.
> it was probably a protective spellform from them, indicating the 4 corners of an Aztec pyramid.