Weird how the asian market had to be reigned in but western entertainment is allowed to be full of nudity and sex as long as its filthy. Full nudity isnt a problem as long as your being fucked by a gay hobo but a set of nice tits on a pretty girl is way too extreme.was one of the reasons i decided reddit was evil, i saw them sending death threats to people over thst harry potter game and then later screech about stellar blade. Ofcourse nowadays they frame it as if they never cared at all anf they dont understand why anyone would.Ecept i was there rrwding it and they were gping ballistic. In fact i remember some weird anti asian sentiment forming.arlund the time hades 2 came out and thry said "SEE WE LIKE NUDITY WHEN IT ISNT SEXUAlIZED" as if having anked girl in a western game is somehow less sexualized than an eastern one???(it literallt never made sense,even according to themselfs they shouldnt see a difference.) Apprently the asian games objectify and the western games dont. How though? What exactly even is that? If anything the western games seemed extremer on thst front. As far as i can tell the obly reason it was accepted in hades 2 i cause the girl looked a bit masculine which sonehow makes it okay to show her. Also sticking it to the "incels". The same people claiming stellar blade or genshin impact is for "incels" cause it has gorls in skimpy outfits in it have their character be fucked by a bear in an rpg and somehow dont consider themselves more depraved and desperate.funny how ive never even played any of these games anyway. It just came to my atrention years ago about how a segement of the population became this impressively toxic. Incels themselves had pure desperation energy already so i didnt expect a group somehow being able to get even worse than that. In fact ill say that any place that describes itself as "anti" and to a greater extent "circlejerk" will get insanely toxic really fast. Im sure its an undiscovered phenonema of human psychology somehow. Its insane just how fast and how deep the toxicity goes. Like they turn completely twisted.it doesnt eveb really matrer what the subject matter is.