Also that mentality has been lpsing incredibly lately. Its a bit of a bad timing for asia to suddenly cuck to the west. In games,movies and anyrhing else people have become tired. There now a new kind of retarded sjw warrior. The incel type. They might be a bit silly, making lists of "woke" and mass protesting by not buying anything. By being a bit retarded,attacking all the time sometimes validly. 
Pure herdloke behaviour.

But it works...

Its like the sjw tactics from back in 2015 have all been copied and mastered and applied by the herd of incels. This new breed of incels isnt intelectual or smart. No they are the new gamer incels. Basically by being as retarded as feminists they achieve real results. I realozed this movement is needed cause even though it might be an impulse to want to call an end to it cause of the cringe and retardedness. But its needed. Even after the old gay mentality is remived these guys need to be around for 20 or so years more. Being hyper vigilant.