I was looking into the structure of the Illuminati system locally using Astra, when I came across a number of metal boxes on the astral, each containing a log entry with an order from "above" to the national overseer. Some of them contained his own reports back to his masters. I have here written down the general method applied in my country, step for step.
To be noted that the actual log also contained reports of failure of the national overseer as well as direct mentions of me blocking their work, with the later reports being hysterical in nature, calling for help and saying all control has been lost. I didn't include these here.
Illuminati log reading, each level was contained in a metal box of notes:
create registry of consumption habits of each citizen
create registry of medical history, including sexual partners and offspring
create united currency
create central account for monetary transfer
impose fees on transactions to cool down economy
create registry of military ability of each citizen, based on previously collected data
unify defense ability
create registry of "troublesome" groups
impose mitigation of troublesome groups, using measures targeting their social habits, such as abortion to reduce their population, gang crime to hinder social progress, further suppression of sexual habits to hinder reproduction
evaluate, reinforce where needed
initiate money laundering scheme
transfer black budget assets into national corporations, using investment funds, to reinforce previous progress in each area