2nd follow up.
Asking Cain about this all, he said that he created/summoned the Behemoth, and took part in the creation of Eve.
The Behemoth is a "pot maker", maybe the original "hairy potter" ;^), people would bring him offerings, and he'd create an artificial soul from the material, in his image. The quality of the slave-bot would be determined on the nature of the material given. When stupid people brought stupid intent as offerings, they got slave souls who'd misinterpret instructions and behave just like their masters. The process of inserting the slave soul into the physical was as troublesome as any, as it would require a slave woman to birth it, then it had to be raised. Alternatively, it would be forcibly inserted into rebellious slaves, by first expelling the original soul. But this method was also used by hubris filled humans who wanted to create "an army of me" as well as those who wanted obedient slaves. So Behemoth would "create humans from clay" or "turn clay into pots(containers)" in the image of humans, thus imitating the work of God.
Eve was created to be a hybrid of grey alien and original human. The story how how Eve was created from Adam's rib, is a grave misunderstanding of the original process. Original humans were "six heads tall", and Eve was made to be "four heads tall", same as Earth native reptilians. All common humanoids are of this size. It refers to how many "head functions" the body has. So for us it's the pelvis, the belly, the chest and the head. Each of them, energy system wise, has the make-up of an original spineless lifeform, which has only "one head", such as jellyfish and octopus. This is the design in "monster dimensions", the spine is only needed if you add two or more "heads".
So this was represented as "Adam lacking a rib compared to Eve", in reality it was "two length units" that were removed to make Eve the same as common humanoids. Eve gave birth to 14 immortal daughters, and each of them gave birth to many human hybrids, which were used by greys to incarnate on Earth. The reason for them becoming rabid, is simply the issue of free will and the changing of society, where power was given to regular individuals who had an eternal lifespan. Even compared to pleidans, their learning ability is low, but they also lack the ability to channel angels which pleiadans have, so they had no guidance aside from astral greys. And autistic insectiod greys trying to recreate a human form when they had already lost it, that doesn't make for very good guidance in terms of dealing with mental issues.
It should be solved now though. Cain just said "it's how it is" and that he couldn't interfere because he's detached from the physical.