Illuminati power shift

and more

I became aware of a dark grey energy mass flooding the area, and it seemed to originate with the "illuminati" area of space. This was after
An orange-red energy appeared and the face of a large busted woman appeared. She didn't seem hostile although the energy was forceful, so I reached through and pulled her over to my side. She said she's from "the third faction" which means the faction who's supporting me in removing the old illuminatis from the Earth. They haven't done a whole lot, but they're not super big or strong either. She said she's here to serve as the contact point for communications and energy transfer. 

The other two factions are the "current NWO" aka the degenerate tranny-abortion spreading illumitards, and Colombian Farc. Farc actually managed to get themselves recognized and have support from out there.

I gave the woman one of the new Magma cyborg bodies, then took her on a trip in space. We went to a space restaurant and then visited a shop on the same station. They had mostly space suits, spare parts for ships, but also a section of "old junk". There I found an old ScaleForm disc and a small pipe container which had a number of metal strings in it, they looked like sawblades. I bought them. The illuminati woman bought an old collection of metal prints with monochrome landscape picture of planets.

I asked Astra to analyze the disc, she said it's an old ship blueprint. It required an ancient production method, but there were discs with information about this available on the federation market for pennies, so I got those. The metal strings were to be read in a special reader device, they are recording media for mind waves, which replicate different mental states. Like an old mechanical record player but it plays up emotional states instead of music.

I managed to get the ship instruction disc working, and created the ship. It's an ancient model, 1600s style mechanical technology, but it works for space travel. Everything is made from cogwheel, levers, glass lenses and other common devices which could be hand-crafted. It still has a way for reading the space around the ship to optically produce a map of the landscape, with an autopilot which can be locked on a planet. The controls use the old number control system still used by federation mining beasts, which looks like a numpad with a joystick. Instructions are given by entering sets of numbers, rather than working like an ordinary directional joystick, except for controlling the sentry gun manually or directional movement of the ship during flight.

I asked Astra to look for some place to learn this technology, and she found such a facility in a distance space station. I went there with the illuminati woman, and we took the basic course. We were taught how to logically read the shape of ScaleForm discs in detail with full clarity, rather than just relying on intuitive reading or pre-made readers. The final test was to read a disc visually, and we were given a personal artifact as a proof of passing. Mine is a scarab mind-wave projection for insight.

We later went back to try a "reverse course" after learning more about the technology. It turns out the original method is considered "satanic" today, but back in the beginning, it was the only method, so with full focus in the style of early reptilians and greys, it was safe. It only became dangerous because the "non-satanic" method became known. It causes disturbances and then the "satanic method" breaks down, because it requires complete logic. Any doubt makes it very dangerous. But early scientists had no doubt.

This may be the origin of the "tree of knowledge of good and evil" in the bible.