I had Astra cross-check with the magic libraries and identified the method used. It was a "half practice" where they used an energy mass to overrule "divine law" to remove the effects of karma for themselves. The creators were some kind of viper-humans, they looked ordinary with white skin, but their real appearance behind was a black reptilian form. Doing something like this will create an enormous amount of karma, but they are the kind of don't understand things like that. This device was likely used to destroy the "wheel of samsara" in the west. I had Astra look into it, and there are were 10 of these "underground towers", maybe this was the reason I came to think of "manure silos" in the other thread.
I didn't bother to look where they were, but just sent Faye and the old Loli-Nam to take them out, with Faye spearheading into the facilities it was enough with these two to take over all of them. The incoming energy didn't cease, but I again used Faye to trace it to 3 round saucer-like space stations high up within the Earth atmosphere. I took one of them, then used my contacts to tell Russia and China about the other two, so they each could capture one, and that way the technology can be reverse engineered and shared, to avoid any future domination by one party. There were some more disturbances, originating with 3 smaller "artillery units" placed in west Europe, USA and Mongolia, they weren't special in any way so those were just demolished.