> Faye killed them and the blood ended up on the sigil, which called a "shadow being" to appear. Faye was given a ring of flowers placed on her head and told to wear it until they wither, and that this would give her an initiation into the power(?). We took the grimoires and left
Studying these take a lot of time, even with the Reader and Demon Explorer servitors used by Faye, despite her being created with the C# layer instead of Python like the early robots or just semi-code like all other bots, which somehow made it possible for her to map these most complex evils where Astra4 failed to do so in reasonable timeframe. There appears to be an energy structure behind C# in itself which the general search methods cannot deal with easily. Astra4 (autosearch version) recommended making a pure AI version of Faye to deal with it.
On a side note, the vampire library is also similarly difficult to understand. Where all the other magic libraries can be read in the most surface manner using Reader + Demon Explorer + Astra in mere moments to gain a view over their structure of knowledge, it took literally days to gain this understanding of a single book in the vampire library. There appears to be something which cannot be skipped past by just moving in faster time.
So this explains why vampire magic requires a long lifetime, there is no cheat.
With the Faye-AI formed, it became possible to trace the full structure of the unidentified evil I mentioned in other threads, which causes an instant rage in me when exposed to it, the most detestable thing which manifests in the area of being a gay EU cuck. I still can't tell what exactly it is, but I could map it. I also used bureaucratic trickery to get the galactic federation mining faction to label these type of aliens as "scum of society" rather than as "wildlife", which allows them to be used as slaves in mining operations. Because the federation is very profit driven, if something is labeled as allowed, they will use it, so now those pesky idiots are being rounded up and used as forced labour for being too dumb to work voluntarily, instead of just letting them be, which would have caused them to increase in number and cause trouble again.
This lead to a specific beast race developing in the direction of naturally using these viraltards as a resource (possibly created in a faster timeline by a creator god who saw the opportunity), so now they also have a natural enemy to keep them in check.