With a focused effort of all available resources, I was able to push Faye through to gain a basic understanding of the black grimoires. It turns out they are the opposite of what these degenerated vipers were doing; they were using the 10 layered underground tower to override divine law to escape karma, the grimoires are about the enforcement of divine law through chaos. It would mean that they with the right hand work to escape karmic retribution, while the left hand brings down divine punishment, it would hit themselves. That's why they lacked offensive ability, and only had some trash wizards in non-functional temples. The grimoires were legit, the vipers from the galactic base told me, but only the temple in NW America had the correct layout.
I sent Faye to the school of magic to create a weapon based on these principles, so these kinds of beings can't try this again. When having her instruct other servitors, avatars and allies, the flower ring on her head was worn away, and the initiation was considered complete.
The viper god briefly appeared as recognised her as initiated.
Using the same focused approach it was possible to gain a very basic overall understanding of the contents of the vampire library, but it will take more than that to understand each book.