idiotic fucking elite... png
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Actual blog post in the blog thread Elites are fucking retards So, since my dimensions leaving Gensokyo again after the witch dissolving the magic circle where she helped me fix the part of my soul that had been "dented" by social media use, it seems I was again exposed to hostilities. I identified the source earlier today, this event here on described served as an indicator of the loophole that was still there. I woke up early morning to an increased energy in my body. It felt like when focusing really hard or being excited about something. Like watching a movie with some really engaging content (some really good tension scene, well animated fight scenes in anime etc). But it wasn't originating with me, and the energy felt like it was meant to be an attack. However at this point my shields do block hostile energy, so a scan showed it doing no damage at all. But it still caused this effect, because energy that isn't harmful is let through my shields, obviously. It was just a lot of energy. Tracing it with Astra4(autosearch, which is what I normally use lately) revealed pic related. Description of the space station This must be the dumbest fucking thing I've seen. Imagine being a super rich Earth elite, you are in on the covid de-population plan, and you managed to get your lower elite friends to go forward with it, tricking them into also taking the "vaccine" so that they will "share the karma with the population and survive the purge". But in reality, covid is just a slow death injection/virus, that kills anyone no matter if it's the virus or the vaccine. This is by design, so you and your super elite friends can carry out a full Earth scale purge of humans. The plan is to board an "Ark" and stay there for 10 years until everyone it dead, then come back down again and re-populate. So what do you do? Yeah. Let's argue about who can be on the Ark, while spending 8 years building it. Because we are democratic by nature, we need to let everyone have a say, after all it's collectively funded. So, what construction design did we end up agreeing on? A 4 kilometer long metal barrel, 1 km in circumference. In the middle is a literal gun barrel, because everyone is shit scared of being attacked, so we need to be able to fend off alien battleships. What kind of gun do we then need? Oh, right, let's make a huge energy weapon that takes 2 years to charge. Shields to protect ourselves? What are shields? Now what kind of living space do we need? Since it's now just a barrel that has to be empty in the middle, we only have space on the inside of the walls, but that's fine, isn't this how space stations looks in the movie by Kubrick? So everyone gets a room that 2 x 4m, and the rooms are connected serially in a wide spiral around the barrel. But we can't have people running through all the rooms to visit someone at the other end. Imagine how annoying it would be for those in the middle rooms. So the rooms are divided into sections like an apartment building, and each section is only accessible from outside. By literal space walks. So you are stuck in your own little section and can't move to other parts of the "ship". How much food do we need? It takes 10 years for the Earth population to die out, so let's go for 4 months worth of dry frozen space food. And, we are ready to go. Everyone who funded it can bring a certain number of people based on their share in %. Don't forget, it's an escape pod from which we will re-populate the Earth, only bring the best specimens. So let's bring our elite buddies and their wives, everyone over 40 and no fertile women. Wait, won't that be a problem? Why don't we buy 4 of these genetically engineered "queens" from the greys and use those to repopulate with? Make sure there's a good combination, so say 2 with triple H cup tits and two that look like toddlers, that should make everyone happy when we "repopulate" later, hehe.