> See my posts here
Yep, that's more or less what I saw too. Like most cities had a lot of debris from the burning bodies (now turned into ash) and some other places were fucked in ways too but it seemed as of the world was relatively going on as normal, I guess a better way to describe is one of the episodes of the older south part seasons with the spontaneous combustion were people were people were scared but others just went on as usual. I saw an image of a man witnessing his wife burn up in flames and was attempting to off himself so he drank a lot of water to see if it would do him in (though he didnt have genetics or would ever that would cause the immolation) but he passed out and woke back, finding out that he was still alive and part of the population who evolved/has the potential to do so. I think there was an orange line/crack across the sky too when I witnessed all this
> I cast a protection on you back then, which caused the injection to squirt out from your arm, right? It may not have been 100% protection, but I think I have the means to nullify the rest. I just in the past week gained access to the origin of the alien technology which was used to created covid. It looks like a black cogwheel with eyes on it.
Yes, I still remember that clearly. When forced to get the shots, the effects were nowhere near as bad as it was on me compared to my family members who took it. Iirc, said friend also told me that things (spiritual or some deity/dieties) would know and can tell those who willingly took it and those who were "coerced"(forced) to to take it
I'll try to fix it if I can see it in your body, if you see anything that looks like that, you'll know what it is.
A black cog huh.. but yes if you're able to I'm very grateful