> That would mean mindless fucks aka literal NPCs or even worse because those who are completely empty headed are the most enlightened beings.
They are the perfect hivemind members, that's all. Enlightenment isn't just pure RHP though. The chinese managed to delete all individuality a while ago so their souls being removed - turning them into zombies - made no difference. This may be the hivemind those amoebas want, maybe that's where they went. The rest was just some karmic trash. I picked up 3000 chinese souls earlier and had them in a chinese block I made on my astral island. But the lyrans (who know best always) started picking souls out from my place and incarnating them so by now I only have a few 100 chinese left, the rest are lyrans now ;P 
But they're on my ship so it's probably better. There is always the risk souls will be taken away to be reincarnated after a while unless you make them immortal, so them being lyrans is then better.