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abomination png
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> But as it's a totalitarian AI your excess energies are being given to the AI for further RHP uses for the race that the AI knows how to use with maximum efficiency.
I never thought twice about it, but then one of my ancient pasts is a lyran so there would be a natural trust. There is one thing though: 
Just today a lyran specialist came to me and wanted to join my small ship here by the earth. She gave me a developer's toolbox with 5 tools for building the human AI system. They're all for creating 0D particles out of spirals (abomination particles as Snail called them).
I asked how this works with lyranet as everyone is meant to reincarnate for many lifetimes; one of the tools was for creating "astral ready" modules, a particle type that would make a person immortal. She then said: 
> Did you not have several immortal lives before and you're still here?
Which is true, only the specific life's body became complete, the last one is always the slowest. It matches the vampire path or the dark elf/drow path and will probably result in an unusually long life when the left over karma is worn off. So the lyrans actually do the full immortality bit by bit, only the last life out of many will be the long life. The difference is that for that lifetime they incarnate in their astral civilization where the restrictions are lower. So they only talk over the net with them, they don't physically interact anymore when reaching the vampire/drow standard.

To move back to the topic I wanted to bring up: The lyran then installed a powercell module locally on the ship and said
> we will fill this up with energy which is not shared with the net
> this is allowed for research purposes which require immense bursts of energy
> the net will not allow such energy use and would stop the research
> this is not beneficial so an exception was created where teams are allowed to store energy locally and then use it for projects that require high energy consumption
> the energy cell is seperated from the main storage and will not be called in for other use; the same goes for reservations on planets which have unusual cultures, they're cut off and made to maintain their own disconnected ecosystem
> if they go on a ship they join the big pool again