If the admins really are Negroes, ask them if they care about Black Lives Matter, and what they would think if cloudflare automatically surveilled and censored all posts and videos proving police officers to be guilty of murder. Because cloudflare can do that on every site that use them.

Else, please copy and paste this post.

Why cloudflare is cancer to the internet

-cloudflare makes it extremely difficult for Tor users and users who disable javascript. This difficulty was originally just a simple CAPTCHA, that progressed into impossible CAPTCHAs (CAPTCHAs that would reject all answers), and finally outright blocks in the case of archive.is; this effectively bans the most security and privacy-conscious users from your site.

-cloudflare arbitrarily bans whoever they want. Today, it is Tor users who disable javascript. Tomorrow, it could be all Firefox users, Linux users, VPN users, Brazillians, Germans, Snowden supporters, filesharers, anons, children, women, homosexuals, Christians. The exact criteria doesn't matter, because it is completely at the whim of cloudflare.

-cloudflare completely breaks SSL

  Standard SSL handshake
  User -> website's key -> website
  User  cloudflare's key -> cloudflare -> website's key -> website
  User <- User's key <- cloudflare <- cloudflare's key <- website

  cloudflare outright decrypts ALL CIPHERTEXT THAT PASSES THROUGH IT. cloudflare has COMPLETE ACCESS TO ALL PLAINTEXT. In other words, cloudflare in a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack.

  -cloudflare (untraceably) conducts internet surveillance
  -cloudflare (untraceably) steals passwords: online banking, e-voting, internet connected devices, medical implants. If you have used a web frontend for server admin such as PHPMyAdmin, then cloudflare has your server's login password.
  -cloudflare (untraceably) steals data: every file uploaded through cloudflare can be read by cloudflare.
  -cloudflare can (untraceably) censor content
    -cloudflare can implement an Acceptable Content Policy, denying access to any site that does not conform and censor content.
    -Word filter
    -Copyright detection
    -Deep-packet inspection
    -Per-user censorship
  -cloudflare can (untraceably) tamper with content
    -JS exploit injection
    -Altering downloaded executables
    -Misattributing words
    -Framing users for sending data that they did not send.

  Untraceably, because unlike a standard MitM, which can always be detected by saving and comparing public keys between sessions, cloudflare is always in the middle and is always either forging a fake public key or even TAKING YOUR PRIVATE KEY.

-cloudflare centralizes the internet, creating a single point of failure. If cloudflare goes down, every server routing through them goes down.

-cloudflare does not actually protect against hacking. They can be bypassed using any proxy other than Tor, let alone nation-state botnets of hundreds of millions of compromised systems.

-cloudflare costs money. You are paying for the privilege of giving away your domain, SSL key and server traffic to a third party.

The rational conclusion to the above would be that cloudflare is attempting to consume the entire internet, like cancer.

As cloudflare is a US corporation, which appeared out of nowhere with more bandwidth and better hardware than most ISPs and has rapidly spread across the internet, it is highly likely they are an NSA front designed to completely take over the internet. Use cloudflare or be DDoS'd, that is the definition of a protection racket. Do not let them succeed, if you value the internet.

Alternatives to cloudflare

-Just don't use cloudflare. You are not going to DDoS'd. Botnets have finite bandwidth, they cannot DDoS everyone. Even if you were, no DDoS lasts longer than 1 business day, because that is the maximum time it takes for an ISP to disconn