5.1 - Search for the term "The World's Largest P2P Offshore Marketplace" on DuckDuckGo.

5.2 - Go to the "Anonymous ATM Cards" category and open a trade order using a disposable email, only trade with diamond level or platinum level sellers.

5.3 - Enter the address of a packet forwarding service to receive the order and place the tainted Bitcoins in the platform's 3-of-3 multisig escrow.

5.4 - After receiving the order, activate online banking access with a pseudonym and burner phone number following the seller's instructions.

5.5 - Go online banking and customize your daily ATM withdrawal limits, then use your anonymous ATM cards to withdraw cash from any ATM around the world.

5.6 - Do some tests by withdrawing money from several ATMs before using the master key generated by the 3-of-3 multisig escrow system and signing the transaction releasing the payment from the seller.

#Question: What is the difficulty level?

##Answer: Easier than buying coffee from Starbucks.

##Question: How much money will I be able to launder with this method?

###Answer: As an anonymous buyer up to $400 million per trade, as a VIP Member up to $2 billion per trade.

###Question: Have you ever used this method?

####Answer: I use it regularly, but I only deal with sellers with a 100% feedback score. This is one of my favorite methods of sending money to my entire family across the border without being tracked or paying taxes. 

My children and my wives also receive the money without being traced, you can have multiple anonymous ATM cards and transfer funds between them through online banking.