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/pol/ is short for "Politically Incorrect" but, despite the name, over time a certain culture has developed with its own norms of decency. If a thread is posted which does not conform to the party line, a hoard of fragile-minded sheep will post petulant complaints in hopes the moderators will remove it; most of the time succeeding. This has resulted in a board culture which can be described as politically correct:

"Conforming to a particular sociopolitical ideology or point of view, especially to a liberal point of view concerned with promoting tolerance and avoiding offense in matters of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation."

One would be observant in noting /pol/ is anything but "liberal". The more observant will also note "especially" does not mean "always". Remove "liberal" and the culture of /pol/ is captured perfectly to a tee. Ideas which are past traditionalism, left of right, or south of nationalism are actively discouraged. Any traces of degeneracy are met with passing glares from cross nuns.

Which brings us to /trappol/. If the end goal of fighting political correctness is to cultivate a culture free of nannying, the only solution is thereby to go even more extreme. A man feigning to be a woman to the point of carnal attraction from other men, or a "trap", is reviled on /pol/ as the height of unacceptable fetishism; thereby this board will use traps as its motif while having a strong focus on free exchange of ideas.