-face: sexy -10 +5p
-body: attractive -10 +5p
-breasts:D cup -10 +5p
-butt: bubble -10 +5p
Beauty +10p
*body perks: fit -15, flexible -15, stamina -15, siren -15, locked age -40
*group size: group
Kiley +70p, june +55p, elora +70p, lainey +55p, lisa +70p, mary +60p, jayla +70p=> +300p (since it's the maximum)
-top: long sleeves/short sleeves/sleeveless/straps/strapless
-Bottom: medium/short/mini/shorts
-shoes: boots/ankle straps/high heels
-accessories: animal ears/gloves/animals tail/ pantyhouse/knee socks
*training Schedule: 3h of each
*first concert:
performance (+1 on all the rolls):
-basic strenght: 3+1=4=>+5p
-dance: 2+1=3=>-5p
-endurance: 6+1=7=>+10p
-voice: 5+1=6=>+10P
audience: roll 10=> a quarter full=>popularity*2
> popularity = (+5-5+10+10)*2=40p
job 1 : voice actor: fanservice +10
Second concert : audience : roll9+1 => a quarter full=>popularity*2
> popularity = (+5-5+10+10)*2=40p
job2 : motivate manager: date +25
third concert : audience : roll7+1 => a quarter full=>popularity*2
> popularity = (+5-5+10+10)*2=40p
job3 : order: lewd +25
fourth concert : audience : roll6+1 => a quarter full=>popularity*2
> popularity = (+5-5+10+10)*2=40p
job4 : live sreams: teasing +15
fifth concert : audience : roll9+1 => a quarter full=>popularity*2
> popularity = (+5-5+10+10)*2=40p
Sexperks : lewd drunk -10 +5P
Total : -150, 610p=> 560P
=>super idol