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TG stories (no loli please.) I might be up for a roleplay when I have time, I post on /tg/ sometimes.

The Beginning of Something New?
Catgirl Transformation/gender bending Consensual. Handjob, Witch.
I already felt a pit in my stomach, like a tight knot, that feeling before a job interview or an exam. But this wasn’t about any of those things.
I had started working for a witch.  Me, a completely ordinary guy...working for a witch? Is such a thing even possible?
At first, I had thought all of yesterday had been a dream. There was no way this could actually have happened...but there was that little slip of paper which confirmed my fears. “Meet me at PineWood Street 251 at noon, don’t be late &lt3”
The place wasn’t too far away, I had looked up the address on my PC and it was only a short bus ride away. I had felt unsure about the situation, but I couldn’t help myself. I had to see for myself if it was real, if what I was promised could be true.
It didn’t take too long for me to get ready, there were about two hours until I had to be there, so I had plenty of time. I just needed something to occupy myself before I went there. I packed some clean clothes in a bag and made sure to lock my apartment door, since I wouldn’t be coming back here for a while.
The bus ride felt awkward, and I had been fidgety the entire time; luckily, modern technology were enough to keep me somewhat busy as I made my way to my destination.  Time passed too quickly on the ride, as I made sure to just look down at my phone and try not to think too hard about what I was doing, but I also had to make sure that I got off at the right stop, as I was kind of unfamiliar with the bus line. I managed to do so, and before I knew it, I stood before a different apartment complex.
This area was in a much different price range, though, I could tell. The building had many large windows that reflected the surroundings and the blue sky, trying to make the building look inviting despite the fact that it was the tallest one in the area. The large intimidating skyscraper was towering before me, and all I had to do was approach it. I let out a sigh to try and calm myself as I approached the buzzer with heavy feet. I looked at my phone one last time: 11:40 was blinking on the display. I was a little early. I approached the entrance to the large building and quickly find myself looking over the list of names.
I looked at the names from the bottom to the top until I found the one I was looking for. “Cassandra”; the name stood there in metallic letters on the little buzzer plate, at the very top of the list. The penthouse suite. I breathed out again, trying to let out some of my anxiety as I moved my hand to press the button, though when my finger was hovering a few centimeters from it, I heard the lock click as the buzzer could be heard. I was being let inside. I couldn’t see any cameras nearby, and there was no way she would have spotted me from the very top of this building. But, somehow, I wasn’t too surprised, and I was thinking I would have to get used to this kind of thing as I pushed the door and went inside.
The elevator ride seemed longer than it should have. I watched as the numbers on the display would slowly count up. I was the only one in the elevator, which only made this elevator ride seem even more important. I kept staring at the display until it hit 50, and I felt like pressure had built inside of the elevator, though it didn’t release as I headed out into the hallway. I could see the front door. I looked at my phone again: 11:43, longest three minutes of my life as I put my phone away and headed towards the apartment. As I approached the door to knock, it opened in that same moment, and I stepped aside to greet my boss.
On the other side of the door, a beautiful woman was standing, with glowing green eyes hiding behind a strand of long brilliant white hair, and a wide smile on her lips. “You’re early, that’s great, please come inside!” I nod at her and take her invitation, and then take off my coat. I feel myself ease up a little as I’ve actually made it and the place seems real, as does she. It definitely wasn’t a dream, after all. “I’m so glad you managed to find the place, I hope it wasn’t too much trouble? How was traffic?” Her soft peppy voice was comforting and it made the anxiety fade away quickly.
“Oh it wasn’t really bad at all, I just took the bus, we don’t live too far away from each other,” I responded to her
Her soft lips curl into a smirk as she nods. “I know, one of the many reasons why I wanted you,”  The comment makes me blush just a bit, I try to hide it, but I can tell she notices as her smile grows wider.
Soon we’re sitting in her expensive living room, on her too comfortable couch; the place looks perfect, and well kept. Not a speck of dust to be seen anywhere. The sofa is very comfortable and fashionable. Her clothes look more expensive than mine, despite looking like she’s trying to stay comfortable. She’s wearing a long dark purple shirt, with a matching skirt and long black socks. I try not to stare at her legs too much, but she has ample thighs and they way the socks cling to her legs and contours them makes it hard not to look away. Her outfit is definitely more on the cute side, but she also manages to keep it just a little hot at the same time. Her shirt, too, was tight in all the right places, highlighting her ample bust. The whole situation was a little intimidating, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to spend some time here, to spend time with Cass.
“So, I’m assuming you’re not here to say you aren’t interested” She says, still smiling. She looks like someone that is very excited to get a gift they have been expecting for a while. I swallow some spit before answering.
“Yeah, I thought about it and, I’m interested.. I think I just have to get over the initial hurdle,” I try to explain to her as she nods and gives me a look that is equal parts comforting as it is mischievous.
“Ah yes! Well, a lot of the fun comes from pushing your boundaries which is why we’re starting out softly. The safeword is magnolie; if you say that, I will break any magic currently working on you, and then we can talk things out. You can even quit if you want to,”
    I nod again, I remember the deal we had made yesterday; nothing was forced, she had given me an offer, and I was interested, even curious. She had been whispering sweet offers of fortune, love and pleasure in my ear, and I couldn’t resist. She could do things I thought impossible.
“I’ll definitely remember that….you aren’t going to uh, use a gag or anything like that?”
    She just chuckles a bit. “Oh, no no no, not unless you ask for it” She winks at me at me and places a hand on my leg, I notice that her nails are painted to match the rest of her outfit, before she continues “My plan is to start out with you getting comfortable.. and then maybe we can move onto other things. So a safe word should work for now.”
I nod again. “Seems fair enough, and I just have to stay with you for the rest of the week?”
    She gives my leg a soft squeeze. “Mhmm, that is the plan. Now you aren’t going to be a slave, but I expect you to listen to what I have to say to you. You can definitely still speak your mind and just be yourself while you are changed; again, I want this to be safe, comfortable, and fun for the both of us~,”
“You make it all sound so easy,” I say as a smile sneaks onto my lips. Whenever I’m around Cass, the thing I’m about to do doesn’t seem so crazy. She makes it seem natural, and I appreciate that more than anything else right now.
“So, do you think you’re ready? I can get the collar right now if you think you can handle it,” I nod in response.
“First step is always the hardest, right?”
    Cass steps up from the couch, and I watch her leave and go into a room for just about a second before she returns. In her hands I spot a pink leather choker, with a little heart ring on it, and it makes me fidgety as the anxiety returns.
“Could you look forward so I can put it on you?”
    I turn my head as my cheeks feel flush, burning with embarrassment as i feel a fuzzy feeling emerge from my core. “S-sure…” I manage to stammer out as I feel her delicate soft hands on my neck. I feel the choker fit tightly against me as she leaves it on my neck. I watch her move back to sit on the couch.
She lets out soft chuckle. “The collar looks a liiiiittle out of place on you at the moment, but we’ll fix that very soon,”
“Well alright… Who am I going to be for the next week?”
    “Ah, I was thinking about the stuff you said, and I think I have a good idea for something we both like. Because every witch should have a cat familiar, don’t you think?”
Oh, she knew me better than I thought she did. Then again, I did agree that she could look through my mind to look for stuff I would like. That way I didn’t have to admit to it but she could still use it.
I nodded again. “O-oh right...yeah. Keeping it a little...on the nose”
    “Eh it’s kind of fun that people still think that is how witches work. But I still think it could be fun, I did want a pet after all...” Her voice is a little huskier now, a little softer, a little more seductive. “Now, you have nothing to worry about, I’ll make sure it will feel very pleasurable to you, though you might feel that your mind will be a little clouded afterwards. Hormones and magic tend to do a number on people. I hope that is alright with you,”
    “You know I’m ok with it” I blurt out as my cheeks feel like they could compete with the hotness of the sun.
“I’m just making sure kitty~”  She responds and moves in, placing a soft kiss on my lips. As I kiss back I feel a tingly sensation start to run through my body, starting from my lips.
Cass sits back and looks like she is about to enjoy the show as I look down at myself, unsure what to expect this time around.
It doesn’t take long before I feel my hair lengthen, becoming a brilliant blonde color and flowing past my eyes, hanging down to my shoulders. My eyes start to feel itchy and so do my ears as I scratch at them. “Oh, this is some fast working stuff I made,” Cass says and I can practically hear her licking her lips even as I’m distracted by my own changes. I notice that my ears seem to have migrated to the top of my head, as they have become larger and triangular, as they twitch gently. Making me much more aware of every sound in the room. I notice that my hands seem to grow smaller and more delicate, my complexion following as I become just a little more pale, and imperfections wash away in mere moments.. I feel my shoulders being squeezed together by an invisible force as my frame becomes smaller.
I look up at Cass and she is just smiling, I can’t help but to notice that I seem to be losing some height as my perspective becomes lower to the ground even as I’m just sitting.
“You are going to look amazing when the changes are done” She says comfortingly but I’m still looking down at my own body. I feel the air being pushed out of me for a second as the invisible hand returns to squeeze my waist, giving me a much more feminine figure. My jeans start to feel tight around my seat and thighs as I feel some natural cushioning being added to my rear. At first I thought I hadn’t noticed that I had sat down on a pillow, but it turned out that I’m just becoming more bottom-heavy.
Hair falls off my legs as well, as they become smooth and feminine. I appreciate that she put the collar on me when I was sitting down, because I’m unsure that my jeans would even fit me at this point; I notice how I am practically swimming in my shirt, the sleeves going past my hands as I’ve become quite a lot smaller.
“T-this really feels weird...” as I talk, I notice that my voice has become lighter, more feminine as I sound like a soft soprano. More importantly, like a girl. My lips also start to feel more plump, as I can’t help but to notice them thicken and becoming more prominent.
Then I start feeling a tightness in my chest, and I know what is about to happen. Quickly my chest expands, almost ballooning out, until my shirt is struggling to keeping my newfound bust in check. I look down and can’t help but to notice how big they look on my small girlish frame. I bring my hands up to feel my chest, but I suddenly become acutely aware of my nipples as they harden and press against the fabric of my undershirt, making me let out a little gasp as I suddenly feel very sensitive. “Eep…” I blurt out again before putting a hand over my mouth.
“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?” Cass asks much to my chagrin as she scoots a little closer to me.
In that same moment I feel a pinching sensation between my legs as I squeeze my thighs together and I realize that the stimulation from my nipples have made me hard.
“Ooh~ What is this?” Cass says as her hand snake it way down to my jeans and masterfully unbuttons them, as my cock springs free of it’s denim confinement.
“See I told you it would feel good… Let me help you with that” She smirks and then grips my dick and starts to stroke it, slowly at first, but then quickly picking up the pace as my breathing becomes hot and heavy. I quickly start to pant as my body continues to become more and more sensitive as she strokes my member. I feel my breasts growing just a little bit bigger as I feel like my shirt is about to burst. Then a new appendage starts to make it’s way out of my jeans, growing out right above my butt is a new, feline tail; I don’t really pay much attention to the furry tail, but I notice that it has black fur on it. I bring a hand up and continue to stimulate my nipples through my shirt as I can hear Cass.
    “Be a good kitten and cum for me, wont you?”
    Right that moment she speeds up her strokes yet again and I feel myself clenching as I shoot a rope of cum onto the floor for her, quivering as I bite my lip. It feels amazing, not just like an any orgasm but like my dick is being drained for all it’s cum as it’s ready to change form, leaving quite a mess on her floor. “Don’t worry about that, I’ll take care of it in a moment,” Cass whispers into my ear and kiss my neck as I feel my dick shrinking, quickly disappearing and becoming a feminine slit between my legs. I feel a warm sensation in my tummy as I feel some things being moved around. I quickly become as feminine on the inside as I now am on the outside.
The changes have finished, and I’m sitting with my jeans down by my ankles and in a grossly oversized shirt, panting as I try to catch my breath.
“Now that wasn’t too bad was it kitty?” She asks as she brings a hand up to my ears, scratching them, as I kick my head back a bit and let out a soft purr, much to my own surprise.
“Oh my, you’ve already taken to the changes, haven’t you? I knew you were going to be perfect for this,”
Still basking in the afterglow, I look down at myself to see my large chest. I blush a bit, my nipples obviously poking through my shirt.  I can’t help but notice how perky my new breasts are despite being so large. I quickly fish my phone out of my pocket, lying against the floor as it is, and take a picture of myself. I’m curious to see how I have changed.
I manage to turn on the flash somehow, as there is a bright white flare. “Oh, already busy snapping selfies huh~?” Cass asks, as I look at the picture I have just taken, seeing the surprised girl looking back at me. She has large black furred triangular ears sitting on her head, and her face is rather cute with very pouty lips and deep purple eyes. Her pupils aren’t normal, but instead slitted like a cat’s would be. Her soft, beautiful face is framed by golden locks. I take in the picture, and breathe slowly for a second. This is real. I’m really a girl, I think to myself.
    Then I feel Cass moving over as she puts a hand on my new bust, giving it a curious squeeze as I let out a soft “H-hey,” with my unfamiliar voice, feeling m