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> Marshall Brain's Manna
I also think we will need UBI. Automation will destroy many peoples' livelihoods, but the gains will flow disproportionately to the very rich. 3 billionaires in America already have as much wealth as 50% of Americans, and it's only getting worse. I cannot believe that a society which could land a man on the moon cannot address poverty, give every kid an cheap computer with an internet connection, or switch to renewable resources. 

It's to those apathetic overlords and the corrupt system they built that ire and resistance should be directed, rather than poorer and more helpless "outsiders." Resource scarcity comes from people who refuse to share. 

That's why I don't think "right-wing populism" (walls and apartheid) is the answer. "Left-wing populism" (reforming or abolishing capitalism) is closer to the best path.