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I've decided to highlight this thread in light of recent events. After 3 mass shootings with manifestos posted at 8chan in the last year, unfortunately, one case has finally happened at tiny Endchan. All the shooters were by right-wing extremists motivated by racism, ultranationalism, and stupid intolerance.

There is an ongoing problem on the image boards with right-wing terrorism triggered by racism, alternate facts, and echo chambers. (It all worsened when 8chan created echo chambers that banned anyone who was left of Adolf Hitler.)  

I don't know how to reverse the radicalization process. I contacted the admin of this site once, but he refused to let me have /news/ (I think it's because he's an alt-righter). So instead, the white supremacist who polices /pol/ also got it, and as you can currently see, he deletes tons of threads that don't fit his racist Nazi agenda.

Although I've argued against their stupid lies for years, the Nazis themselves are so far gone they don't seem to listen anyone, or any facts. Clearly they need to develop compassion, but you can't really do that at an image board where anonymity runs supreme. All I know is I don't want them to continue to gain ground, or for them to continue to weaponize anime until no one can look at anime avatars or hentai forums without associating them with Nazi shooters.

There are some people who still find this board useful, so it would be unfair to unilaterally delete it. But I also don't enjoy helping Nazis to masturbate for free. I don't want to encourage young people to frequent boards where they're more likely to self-radicalize until they murder innocent people. Therefore, I'm probably going to let this board continue to decay after this.

I might even sticky this, because I now think young people should avoid the image boards. Laugh at this trigger warning all you want, but telling impressionable people to avoid going to /pol/ might save lives. The political boards here will make you hate everyone, and cause you to lose sources of happiness. Hardly anything said by most of the posters there will be true, and you'll be exposed mostly to untrue lies and statistics from Nazi propaganda sites. Every Nazi "shitposter" I've met at Endchan was grossly uninformed and much stupider than me. And I'm afraid they'll edge one of you on into sacrificing your one life just so they can have a few chuckles at your expense. 

It's just not worth visiting the other boards at Endchan or at most image boards. It's just too risky, as a certain percentage of people will certainly become radicalized by the huge Nazi presence. There's nothing even fun about seeing the boring arguments resuscitated from the 1940s. There's nothing good to see, so don't waste your time.

But then again, if that doesn't convince you I can debate some "white nationalists" here. I don't think it'll make much difference, but if having a pointless circular argument keeps a few Nazis from murdering someone for just a few more minutes, well, I'm sure a lot of victims would rather live for a few more minutes.