
Since you janny trannies suspended me from 4chan once I completely laid bare your ineptitude in spouting your emotional, media-driven nonsense, here we go:

One of the 3 shooters had a white nationalist agenda. One of them was a crazy lefty who came out of a polyamorous relationship. This was openly written by his Ex-fake girlfriend. Bitch is totally unapologetic.

What all of these shooters had in common was that they were young men with no future in sight. They run our countries to the ground, gaslight us every day telling us we need more of clown world and being against that is "racist, sexist, homophobic".

And you have the audacity claiming online "white nationalists", the only ones providing these kids with an outlook in their lives, are responsible for the shootings?

Guess what? The establishment wants these atrocities to happen. None of our first Israeli president's puppet masters cares what happens to the cattle in a Walmart. But it sure is a great excuse to crack down on civil liberties. The same way you crack down on free speech on these forums, because the shooters post on here in addition to mainstream social media sites and because you can't think more than one corner ahead.

No, instead you make up constructs in your mind how the "Nazis" have no facts and how the pathetic lies about events, the scientism and the catch phrases the MSM has filled your head with are the final truth.

You probably have had experience with Judeo-Conservative cucks and other controlled opposition outgrowths that are incapable of a consistent world view. But in an open forum lefties and Judeo-Conservatives never win against what is the so-called "alt right".

But why does all of this even matter? What happened to chan culture and just sharing porn? You have a serious case of Trump derangement syndrome after all.