Grab a textbook and study Japanese with proven traditional methods. Once you have the fundamentals of grammar cram a few hundred kanji with RTK until you get tired of it in a couple of months and realize you need immersion for any more to stick. Then immediate immerse yourself in reading Manga before you forget the Kanji, so it goes from your short term memory into your long term memory. Look up whatever you don'the know -RTK has laid the groundwork for remembering the characters. Gradually you will see the same vocabulary repeated by the same authors and genres, and won'the need to look up many words. Download Kanji tomo or rikaichan to make dictionary lookup faster and you will be good enough to quickly read simple manga or porn for the rest of your life without any more real studying, and you can stop there.

You will need to do much more if you have the goal of talking fluently with Japanese people, but you will find they're the most boring race tbh fam. After college they turn-a-Mr. ROBOTO and lose most of their individuality, so unless you'really a pedo it would be better to forget about writing or speaking.

 Put all of your time into reading comprehension so you can read light novels or visual novels, which are the last things worth reading in Japanese, because their most praised classic literature is overhyped 2deep4u shit with overused seasonal metaphors in lieu of original insights, that don't approach Greek drama or philosophy. (They often wrote in a detached way too with the passive voice everywhere, which gives the feeling that the protagonists have no care for taking control of their lives.) Their best ancient writings at the height of philosophy were still full of mysticall bullshit, so it's not going to give you logical insights on the human condition you get from Greek philosophers who better separated themselves from bad judgement.

Tale of Genji is josei smut that almost made War and Peace look concise, and Murasaki is 2deep4u overhyped shallow shit. Greatly lower your expectations before you explore Japanese media or be disappointed.