from what i've seen, any kind of hardware RAID available to you will be either placebo-effect stuff that doesn't actually scrub data to check for bit-rot, or exorbitantly expensive enterprise hardware


your options:

bulletproof but really expensive for a given amount of space:
- cloud storage

pretty much bulletproof outside of an act of god, but requires:
- ZFS raid server in your house, configured properly for scrubbing (linuxtechtips failed at this and lost their data lol!)
you will need at least 1gb of RAM in the server for every 1tb of disk space in your ZFS server, which can get expensive

unlikely to be a problem, with modern high-capacity hard drives, probably:
- one internal hard drive and one USB hard drive, every week or month or whatever, plug the USB in and sync it with a filesyncing program like FreeFileSync - quickly review the sync changes by eye to make sure they look sane