--help spits this out

node videos-node.js e=file.txt|[cmd f] [r=-1] [p=1] [o] [s] [i=clipboard|uid|uids.txt|metadata_file.json]
e - file (empty value for stdin) with commands (separated by newline,
    separate arguments with space,
    escape arguments with quotation marks or apostrophes
    and quotation marks and apostrophes by doubling)
    comment out lines with #
f - treat flag "e" as a single command instead of as a file to read
d - write given commands to file, after any expansion
r - repeat interval in seconds
p - max concurrent processes
o - redirect output to stdout and stderr
s - run commands through the shell
u - rebuild commands from given file(s) on restarting its loop
i - uid, or file or clipboard with list of uids to insert into the commands in place of the string "{}"