yesterday I swear to God I saw TWO (2) TRANNIES while shopping. First sighting was a ftm tranny near the checkout of one of the shops I went to. from behind he looked like an extremely scrawny short guy but when I saw ITS face I could tell it wasn't a guy, it wasnt even a particularly mentally ill dyke, it was a fucking woman trying to pass as a guy. DISGUSTING.

second was a mtf tranny while I was in a supermarket. he was with his dad. I only briefly looked at him and I was so disgusted by him that I involuntarily, unthinkingly said audibly "UGHHHHHHHHHHH" as I passed him. I wouldn't have done this if I was thinking because I'm not a confrontational person, but I don't at all feel about it either

do these tranny freaks realize that most of the people who hate them don't just hate them because they're mean people, but because seeing a guy trying to be a girl is genuinely extremely disturbing to them? like I don't hate trannies in the abstract, I only situationally hate them when I realize that they think it's ok affront me like this when I'm just trying to buy food for the week.