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The two ant species we have here that invade homes are the Argentine Ants which are about 2mm long and black but have colonies that can have multiple queens and span many square miles. They don't bite. They also keep subterranean turmites away which is good. Subterranean termites can destroy a house in a few years, they eat every inner stud until the house becomes unstable.

The only way to stop them is to block every entrance. This means under every wall it must be sealed and every window. Also egress through an attic or wet wall. It's a slow process of finding entrance points and blocking them.

The other one is the Pharoah ants. They're tiny 1mm long and you might not even see them. Completely harmless. They can be stopped by putting gel poison around the parameters of the rooms affected. They're so small that finding the entrance is futile.

Ants leave no mess either. Cockroaches will poop black everywhere.

The girls do love and take care of me like a family but I'm not a teddybear.