
> Have you ever heard of such a thing? 

Yeah most contractors are shady fuckups who cut corners every chance. I do everything myself because I'm a double master and I can do everything better than a professional because it costs me only supplies and I can watch a youtube video to see what's the best way. My realtor friend has been telling me horror stories so that doesn't surprise me.

> You don't have a wife, do you?

No way dude. Well I had a live in gf and she probably left me partially because I wouldn't marry her but it's not smart in this climate. Too litigious, too heavy on her side, lawyers are expensive. She was making as much as me but not after I got the side hustle, that doubled my income and I'd lose a lot in that deal.

Would I ever marry? Hmmmmm. Why? I don't want kids. If I suddenly wanted kids then sure, and if I did why not wait till I'm in my 40's pick up a 29yr old trad and use her as a baby oven then. 

> I'm not up to date on Bear lore.

Well I don't know who you are but it doesn't matter stick around and get your fill.

All I'm going to say is you need something like 200k to afford a minimum home here and it's hard to have a home business without a home.