thumbnail of bear-warning-signs-in-british-columbia-canada-2B24WDT.jpg
thumbnail of bear-warning-signs-in-british-columbia-canada-2B24WDT.jpg
bear-warnin... jpg
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English units rule, fucking ban me Bruh and your little internet forum will fail in less than a month. 


It's a delightful 73 degrees today.

I actually always use SI in calculations because give me a break I have to juggle slugs and poundmass no thanks, not to even get into BTUs.

I do use horsepower, pound force, ft-lbs, F, lbs, inches and feet but not yards, I'm not an idiot, miles, miles per hour until over 200, then m/s or km/s, but in calculations I don't. Everything gets SI and mentally illlated after. Also oz, cups, pints, gallons, but I do like liters and ml, like I'll say 5.7 L or 350 cid no problem.

Where's the warmth in 23C? You really going to order .437L? Gtfoah