
I'm the retard who was reading "home business" as "business working on people's houses." It's a little understandable with all the construction talk... right...?

My tulpa brother talks that he wants to go to my new job, so the money will be his. I ask him what on earth he wants to spend money on. He really struggles to tell me. He says, little plastic sharks and wooden building blocks, and this cool hot wheels garbage truck I did not let him buy from the store the once. That's like 50 bucks total though....

Do you like your education? I really can't gauge what's worth it anymore. I've been in and out of university more than I care to explain, with no sheepskin. 

There's not really a super strong correlation between the degrees and the higher paying, nicer jobs, if you ask me, in regards to my career field. It's more a "you have it or you don't have it" thing. It'll put you more on the admin side for sure- but I don't think I want on the admin side, ever. I don't want to play politics, ever, I want to do actual hands on work.