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thumbnail of best day of my life.gif
best day of my life gif
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That was no child, at least not by European standards.

Anyway I'm not even mad, was invited to distant neighbors and looked after and played with their 7 year old girl who was completely naked while splashing around with water in the garden. Get on my level, this kills the American. But nobody gives a fuck here and that's good. Her mother is refreshingly normal and knows I'm uber-reliable.

Girl's a bit of a dimwit and has no strong opinion on the industrial output of the Ottoman Empire in WWI but is quite nice - as long as she's alone. Goes full bitch mode when playing with other kids though, literally another person.

Why are humans like this? I never understood and it was terrible for me as a child. I hate competitive or manipulative people and group dynamics. It's like wolves competing for their rank in the pack. How unrefined. Especially girls excel in such psycho games from earliest age. Can't they all just quietly and productively work together like the gears in a clockwork without constantly trying to fight, cheat and exploit each other? I was never like this.

As you may guess I'm really not good with children. They're considered legally insane for a reason, inconsiderate, unreliable and irrational little sociopaths who ruthlessly exploit every opportunity without regard for the feelings of others. Very tough for INFP people like me. Even worse for tupper who has zero tolerance for creatures not living up to her unreachable ideals (aka everyone) and on top of that loli-charm doesn’t work on her.

So yeah, was good but emotionally exhausting after a few hours. That’s enough socializing with kids for some weeks now. No idea how parents deal with that all day every day. You either need to be an emotionally blind sociopath or simply dumb enough not to think about it.