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> not you being the pinata
How disappointing

Also I seriously can't deal with screaming children or loud adults. Or generally people who can't STFU.

My loli gang luckily was relatively quiet but they were more like 12+
Didn't get my toenails painted but you can also have a lot of fun with permanent markers. Also tickled, yes. And they loved to sit or stand on me. Good times, it all seems so surreal nowadays

> I had to use all my free will not to say, "no that's gay"
Missed opportunity to redpill girls against cultural marxism and leftist tranny propaganda. Mom of mentioned 7yo neighbor girl recently told me she's desperate about what they tell kids about 'sexual diversity' in schools nowadays and that her class is full of antiosocial sandniggers so she's thinking about sending her daughter to a private conservative school. I could see how relieved she felt being able to talk to somene who wouldn't immediately call the police but agree with her. Well she knows I'm a right-wing extremist gun nut by today's standards so that wasn't overly surprising.

> Def will dream bang her later.
Why not 4 real?